
Хочу сохранить себе на память цитаты из «Due South» с футболки от RCW139. А то футболке уже сто лет в обед... 

You're going to shoot a Mountie? They'll hunt you to the ends of the Earth.
Excuse me, ...l'm looking for a Detective Armani?
She shot me in the hat, Ray.
Thank you kindly.
Hello, son. Hello, Dad. How are you? I'm dead, son. Other than that, do you mean?
Stop stealing the blanket. You're an Arctic Wolf, for God's sake.
In my 57 years of being alive and my 14 months of being dead, I only learned one thing about women and that's that I haven't learned one damned thing about women.
On the inside I'm a poet, on the outside, mmph! Shake, bad guys, shake.
Oh dear.
You know, you let a wolf save your life, they make you pay and pay and pay...
There are people on that train. Sure, they're Canadians, but they're still people.
Oh, the licence plate number, ...RCW 139.
It was an otter. I was ten, it was dead, someone hit me with it. Can we move on?
My name is Constable Benton Fraser, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of my father and for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I've remained, attached as liaison with the Canadian Consulate.
Why is this my life? Mounties, wolves, Tsimshian.
My God, Ray! Another plane crash! What are the odds?!
I am a man!
The Great Yukon, Double-Douglas Fir, Telescoping Bank Shot!
Look, I've been to Toronto. Trust me, nothing can survive there.
Oh, he can't help that. It's a Canadian thing, sir. I think he gets extra points for neatness.
Great Scott. Turtles!
Oh God, did something die in here? Better lay off those mooseburgers.
It takes 7 fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown. Save your energy, you're going to need it in your child-bearing years.
There is nothing more frustrating than playing hide and seek with a deaf wolf. 
Fraser, I am drawning on dry land!
It only takes an extra second to be courteous.
He's so polite. He's Canadian.

@темы: Кино, Цитаты

10.05.2024 в 07:23

दुर्गाध्वना दूराय दुरोणाय तारकाणाम्
There are people on that train. Sure, they're Canadians, but they're still people. 

  :lol:    :lol:  

Почему так много шуток именно про Канаду?)
10.05.2024 в 23:44

Айгер, а ты не смотрела этот сериал? Там канадец в Чикаго приехал, оттуда и шутки, американцы так шутят над своими соседями))
11.05.2024 в 07:43

दुर्गाध्वना दूराय दुरोणाय तारकाणाम्
KatjaRa, то что американцы шутят про канадцев я знаю, а про сериал вообще не знала (честно говоря я не поняла, что это сериал, думала просто футболки со всякими надписями, прошу прощения   :gigi:   )